Wedding Ceremony

Home Wedding Ceremony
Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - marriage ceremony
The marriage ceremony

When a couple commits themselves to each other in marriage, they create a bond like none they have ever known before. The marriage ceremony therefore needs to be celebrated with all the love, caring and style you have always dreamt it would be.

So that your ceremony reflects your dreams, I will work closely with you to design the very personal vows that only couples in love will say to each other on their wedding day. The vows that you will make to each other will encompass your dreams, your respect for each other, your traditions and values, your romance and your all-empowering love. I will work with you to ensure that your dreams and desires for your journey together, your traditions and your values are all integrated into a ceremony that is perfect for you.


Any location is possible – a beach at sunset, a heavenly starlit garden, a beautiful wedding chapel, on the deck of a yacht cruising the bay, or in the tranquillity of a rainforest. The advantage of using the services of a Civil Celebrant lies in the flexibility offered – you and your partner can be married in exactly the way you want. As a Brisbane Marriage Celebrant I can help you transform your dream ceremony into a reality, including those couples applying for a Prospective Marriage Visa and couples from overseas simply wanting to marry in Australia.

First meeting

At our first meeting, we will go through the legal requirements, complete the required forms and set about planning your romantic wedding ceremony. Perhaps you would like to have family and friends participate by reading special verses. You might want to include grandparents or children, or even the family pet? Will a family member be ‘giving you away’? Is there a pen that belonged to your great-grandfather that you would like to use for signing the marriage register? Maybe you would like to design your ceremony taking into consideration the legal requirements. Or perhaps you just want me to suggest and design vows and readings. Whatever your choices, upon completion of the planning process, your order of service and vows will reflect the feelings of love and commitment that you have for each other.

Second meeting

Our second meeting will be approximately a month before the ceremony. At this time we will finalise and confirm that you are delighted with all aspects of your special ceremony. If required, a rehearsal can be conducted at this time.

My guarantee to you is that we will work together to design a ceremony that will celebrate the passion and love you have for each other;  and vows that will capture the spirit, the honesty and the fun of your relationship – your journey together.

Certificate and vows

At the conclusion of your ceremony I will present you with a beautifully prepared Marriage Certificate along with a copy of your vows and ceremony to keep with your other memories of this wonderful day.

Registry Office style

I do offer a Registry Office style alternative ceremony at a reduced price. This style of ceremony is held in my office and follows a set order. This ceremony is for the budget-conscious couple, or for those who simply want a ceremony without any extras – perfect for those wanting to elope, at any age! Elopement Ceremony times are not constrained by business hours, and are also available week nights, Saturday mornings, Saturday evenings and Sundays.

Prospective Spouse Visa (PMV300) letters are a  specialty, and is just the start of the fairytale that will see you marry the partner of your dreams from an overseas country.  The process of applying for a Prospective Marriage Visa can be a long and at times frustrating one, so let me help make the final result one of the best reasons to celebrate – your marriage ceremony!

Some overseas couples simply want to marry in Australia and then enjoy their honeymoon touring this wonderful country.  The process is an easy one and all of the preliminary work can be done via email and/or Skype.

  • Do we have to exchange weddings bands? – No
  • Does the bride have to be given away? – No
  • How can we incorporate the children? – I have quite a few ideas
  • Do I have to write my own vows? – No
  • Do I have to memorise my vows? – Only if you really want to
  • Do you raise Prospective Marriage Visa letters? – Yes
  • What can we do to make our ceremony different? – Let’s talk and tailor something to suit your personalities
  • We are from an overseas country.  Can we marry in Australia? – Absolutely you can if the legal requirements are fulfilled.  Getting Married in Australia is a fantastic option.
  • Can we just party? – That’s easy!

As a Brisbane Marriage Celebrant I can help you with the answers to these and any other questions you might have.

Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Wedding ceremony
What my clients are saying
I had the privilege of watching my beautiful friend marry the love of her life today. The ceremony you conducted was the best I’ve ever seen and I’m so happy for them that they had a wonderful celebrant like yourself. Sara had convinced me to ask you to conduct our wedding ceremony, and after seeing you in action today, we have no hesitations!  Best wishes.
Caitlin & Tyson