Australia votes yes to same sex marriage

Same sex marriage in Australia today got the go ahead from the majority of the population when the greater percentage of voters said YES they are in favour of same…

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Wedding Speech Relaxed or Traditional

A wedding speech – the style of speeches you decide on having at your wedding reception can be many and varied.  Words of love, advice and support are found throughout…

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Who Pays For the Bridesmaids Dresses?

Who pays for the Bridesmaid’s Dresses  and Wedding Expenses? Different cultures have different views on who pays for the bridesmaid’s dresses and wedding expenses. Some cultures consider it to be the…

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Walking Down the Aisle

As ‘the Bride’ you will take the most romantic walk of your life….. your walk down the aisle to marry the man of your dreams! Remember to take your time…

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Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Wedding ceremony

Wedding Ceremony Signs You Should Include

Wedding ceremony signs as part of a marriage ceremony are becoming increasingly popular.  Popular for the simplest to the most romantic of reasons. If your marriage ceremony is set in a park or…

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Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Modern or traditional ceremony

Marriage Ceremonies – Which One To Choose?

Marriage Ceremonies Traditional or modern marriage ceremonies? Only you know what will suit for your very special day! Relaxed Marriage Ceremonies Increasingly couples are wanting their marriage ceremony to be relaxed…

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