Renewal of Vows Ceremony

Home Renewal of Vows Ceremony
Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Renewal of vows ceremony
The renewal of vows ceremony

A Renewal of Vows is a meaningful ceremony that allows a couple to celebrate their journey and growth together by declaring their love for each other in front of their families, friends and peers. It is a celebration of a relationship that has endured and blossomed over the journey of time. It is a celebration with the one who possesses your heart.

Perhaps you have reached a milestone anniversary that you would like to mark by celebrating your love and respect for each other. What better way than to renew your wedding vows?

Include family and friends
This is a special time to include any children, or even grandchildren, from your marriage. You can share experiences from your journey in an intimate and enjoyable way by declaring not only your love for each other, but your hopes and dreams for your children’s future. Children can personalise the occasion by participating with poems, readings and prayers, allowing them to confirm to you their delight and love in your commitment to each other.

A Renewal of Vows Ceremony can also be enjoyed by couples who have married overseas or interstate, and who now want to include family and friends in their celebration of love. All the finesse of a marriage ceremony can be included, minus the legal requirements.

Select a special venue
Why not select a special venue for your celebration? Visualise your ceremony

  • on a beach, the mountains framing the horizon, the sun setting as you exchange your vows;
  • in a hot air balloon drifting quietly above the trees, the strains of your favourite piece of music being played as you toast each other after exchanging your loving and thoughtful vows;
  • as a party at home surrounded by family and friends – an intimate affair; or
  • smoothly sailing across Moreton Bay as the dolphins surface to wish you congratulations and many more years together.

Your ceremony can be celebrated is so many ways – you have a story to tell!

Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Renewal of vows ceremony
What my clients are saying

Well we did it again – renewed our vows of course! The setting was Patong Beach and our little one was the flower girl. (She has been telling everyone that we “got married”. Dave is trying to get her to say that we renewed our vows, but children are children –lol!)  It was wonderfully romantic and dare I say it? –even more fun than the first time. I love you Dave and let’s do it again!