Robyn Nicolle, Brisbane marriage celebrant - Modern or traditional ceremony

Marriage Ceremonies – Which One To Choose?

Marriage Ceremonies

Traditional or modern marriage ceremonies? Only you know what will suit for your very special day!

Relaxed Marriage Ceremonies

Increasingly couples are wanting their marriage ceremony to be relaxed when it comes to the content of their marriage ceremony. They want their marriage ceremony to be fresh and retain romance; and sometimes include just a little bit of tradition. Your celebrant can help you achieve what it is that you want. Don’t be afraid to ask for a marriage ceremony that is different from the standard marriage ceremonies offered.  Be sure to include in your marriage ceremony what it is that reflects who you are.

Traditional Marriage Ceremonies

Traditional marriage ceremonies will include the escorting of the bride by her father, and the traditional marriage ceremony staple of asking the groom to kiss his bride. Both of these inclusions are romantic and loving.  Include a reading, exchange wedding rings, recite a wedding ring blessing in your marriage ceremony. These are all traditional inclusions in marriage ceremonies.

A relaxed approach can be found by keeping your marriage ceremony simple and sweet. Make your ceremony about the two of you and other than the required ‘legals’, include wording that is about you and your journey; what you want from the future; your love of friends and family and each other in everyday life.

Wedding Venues

Your choice of Brisbane Wedding Venues can set the theme for your marriage ceremony.  Will it be by the water; will it have a view of rollings hills; set in a winery or conducted at a modern urban restaurant?

What’s Important

At the end of your ceremony it is the two of you that will be married to each other, not to your family and friends. So whatever you choose your ceremony to be, remember to keep it to what is important to you, not others.

Let Robyn The Brisbane Marriage Celebrant Help

I will work with you to ensure that your dreams and desires for your journey together, your traditions and your values are all integrated into a marriage ceremony that is perfect for you.

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