Walking Down the Aisle

As ‘the Bride’ you will take the most romantic walk of your life….. your walk down the aisle to marry the man of your dreams!

Remember to take your time and don’t rush…enjoy the moment, and if you are being accompanied let that person enjoy the loving honour of escorting you.  Let your Groom enjoy watching you enter your marriage ceremony to marry him.

Take a couple of breaths before you start and smile at the person escorting you…..give them a cuddle and thank them.  Smile at your family and friends, and don’t be afraid to stop for a few seconds as you first approach them – this will help you balance not only your bouquet, but also your nerves.  And never underestimate the nerves of the person escorting you..it is a ‘big’ time for them also!

If you need to, look at your Groom…he will give you strength simply by looking at you; the strength to walk stylishly and gracefully to marry him.

Maybe think about the tempo of the music you have chosen to play as you enter?  If the tempo is very slow or upbeat, then walk at a medium to slow pace…don’t try to run down the aisle, or to walk so slowly to keep to the beat of the music – that is unless you are planning a theatrical entrance. Remember the old elocution lesson….foot forward, heel, toe, foot forward, heel, toe.  By doing this you will allow your gown to flow back to your leg giving the illusion of gliding as you walk.

The most important thing to remember is to take the time to enjoy yourself…take the time to stop, and to acknowledge your family and friends.  They want to enjoy this moment just as much as you want to. When choosing your wedding venue take into consideration the length and time it will take when walking down the aisle.

If you are carrying a bouquet hold it lower to the waistline as this will help you relax your shoulders and not tighten your muscles as much.   Your photographer will most likely also appreciate this.

Have fun practicing your entry and remember to give yourself the time to remember the most romantic walk you will ever take!

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